材料影响产品的质量关系。徐州INA轴承机械行业对钢铁和铝的质量犹豫不决。与轴承相比,它们通常是不锈钢的。产品的使用寿命是肯定可以令人满意的。就像我们的车一样,它刚被买回来好几年了。这些零件一个接一个地腐烂,这不仅给你带来混乱,而且减少了你口袋里的钱。机械也是如此,但所有这些都来自小型设备的材料。俗话说:细节决定成败。如果我们不把小事做好,为什么要创造世界?今天,安工程师将与我们一起学习轴承材料。Material affects the quality relationship of products. Xuzhou INA bearing machinery industry is hesitant about the quality of steel and aluminium. Compared with bearings, they are usually stainless steel. The service life of the product is certainly satisfactory. Like our car, it has just been bought back for several years. These parts rot one by one, which not only brings you confusion, but also reduces the money in your pocket. The same is true of machinery, but all of this comes from materials for small equipment. As the saying goes: details determine success or failure. If we don't do small things well, why create the world? Today, Ann Engineer will study bearing materials with us.
In order to optimize the material factors affecting the life of Xuzhou INA bearing, it is necessary to control the original structure of steel before quenching. Bainite structure and pseudoeutectoid fine pearlite can be obtained by austenitizing at high temperature (1050 C), 630 isothermal normalizing or 420 isothermal treatment. Fine pearlite structure can be obtained by rapid annealing of waste heat from forging and rolling, thus ensuring the fine and uniform distribution of carbides in steel. In addition to carbides dissolved in austenite, during quenching and austenitizing, the original structure of this state will aggregate into fine grains.
1. Sound Recognition
It needs rich experience to identify the fault of Xuzhou INA bearing by sound. In order to recognize abnormal sounds as sounds or mutes, ** adequate training is required. For this reason, it should be done by people in the industry. By fixing the sound frequency absorber or housing, the sound of the bearing can be clearly heard.
2. Temperature Recognition Method
This method belongs to the comparative identification method, and is only suitable for the case of little change in operation state. Xuzhou INA bearings need continuous temperature records for this purpose. When a fault occurs, the temperature not only rises, but also varies irregularly. This method is suitable for the combination of voice recognition methods.
3. Lubricating Oil State Recognition Method
Lubricants were sampLED and analyzed to determine whether foreign bodies or metal powders in Xuzhou INA bearing were mixed with the turbidity of lubricants. This method has a remarkable effect on bearings or large bearings which cannot be observed close to each other.
文章来自:徐州SKF轴承 www.wh-skf.com
Article from: Xuzhou SKF Bearing www.wh-skf.com
文章来自:徐州INA轴承 www.ina-china.cn
Article from: Xuzhou INA Bearing www.ina-China.cn
文章来自:徐州NSK轴承 www.klbbearings.com
Article from: Xuzhou NSK Bearing www.klbbearings.com
发布时间:2021-11-22 10:17 点击:101