









  It has been admitted一hat the preservation of traditional cultures is stuck in a dilemma in modern society, where economic development enjoys the top priority over other people, as a that new buildings should be constructed in a traditional style for the purpose of protecting traditional cultures. As for me. this practice is detrimental and unnecessary.   If modern buildings have to be built in a traditional way. it is really harmful to the overall landscape of urban cities. The characteristics of modern cities are attractive technological innovations, and the applications in architecture facilitate the city. For example. in Beijing, various modern skyscrapers and shopping malls bear testimony to achievements in economic development, thereby drawing numerous talents both from home and abroad. By contrast, if some buildings are out of date in style among other modern buildings. they are just like a sight for sore eyes.   Moreover, preserving traditional culture is not equal to sacrificing modern conveniences. There is no denying that respecting tradition is the prerequisite for future progress, and human beings are bound to learn valuable experience from what happened in the past. Modern civilizations, however, stand for the development of times, and should be at least equally crucial with historical legacies, if not more than.   Indeed, buildings in a traditional style can enhance people's awareness of tradition conservation, and step up efforts to preserve those valuable treasures, which are, to some extent,on the verge of extinction. Modern cultures, however, should coexist peacefullywith traditions and be not neglected.   All in practice of transforming modern buildings is not a perfect way, causing too many negative effects. It is hoped that a better and satisfactory method can be possibly sought out to create a win-win situation.

  当今生活一切以经济发展为主。保护传统文化着实处于一个尴尬的境地。鉴于此种情况,一些人提议现代的建筑修成传统的式样来保护传统文化。我认为,这种做法没有必要.而且危害大。   现代的建筑,传统的式样,这一切都会破坏都市整体的风景。吸引人的科技创新是都市的主要特点。这种创新用在建筑中使城市变得更加便利。例如.北京各种各样的高楼大厦和购物商场无不见证其经济成就.因此吸引了大量国内外的人才聚集于此。相反,如果现代化建筑中夹杂着一些样式落后的房子,那真是有碍观瞻进一步说,保护传统文化并不意味着排斥现代便利。未来的进步取决于对传统的尊重。历史事件定会使人类受益匪浅。然而现代文明代表时代的发展,起码应该与历史遗产一样重要。   不可否认,传统式样的现代建筑能够提高传统保护的意识,加速保护传统遗产,尤其是那些濒临灭绝的。然而现代文化应该与传统和平共处,不应被忽视。   总之,改变现代建筑的式样有太大负面的效果,不是一个完美的方法。希望未来有更好的方法促进共赢局面。

发布时间:2022-07-07 22:17  点击:70

