Institutionof the Eco Mark
TheEco Mark program which the Japan Environment Associationundertakes, is managed in accordance with the standard and principle (ISO 14020- An environmental label and declaration, a general principle, ISO 14024 - Anenvironmental label and declaration, a type I environmental-label display, aprinciple and procedure) of International Organization of Standardization(ISO). This system is to be said that the use of the label is accepted by theorganization of the third party based on independent and multi standards.
日本环境协会负责的生态标签计划,是根据国际标准化组织(ISO)的标准和原则(ISO14020 - 环境标签和声明,一般原则,ISO 14024 - 环境标签和声明,I型环境标签显示,原理和程序)进行管理的。这个系统应该说是标签的使用被第三方组织基于独立和多重标准所接受。
Examinationfor product Certification and the Eco Mark Utilization Contract
based onCertification Criteria for the corresponding product category, the Eco MarkCommittee for Product Certification performs examination for productcertification of the Eco Mark. When it is certified, it is required to concludeEco Mark Utilization Contract between the applicant and the Japan EnvironmentAssociation (JEA) for the every product that is subject to. It is allowed touse and display of Eco Mark to the product concerned till the expiry dateindicated in the Certification Criteria concerned, from the date of conclusionof Eco Mark Contract.
日本Eco Mar认证去哪里做?