

产品单价:面议 品牌: A06B-6079-H304

最小起订:1 只

供货总量:89 只

发货期限:付款后 3 天内发货


未认证 谨防假冒!


圣企机电设备有限公司 联系人:黄荣生(销售工程师) 移动电话:13774696989 固话:0592-6081295 QQ:1519011860 2761306899

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绝对放心,原装进口,质保一年,还怕啥 主要:世界著名品牌PLC、DCS系统备件模块 千万库存、等你来采购。真诚的沟通,长久的合作,愿共赢!


IC693CPU351RR CPU 351 Module (4K I/O, 8 Racks)

IC693CPU352RR CPU 352 Module (4K I/O, 8 Racks, Floating Point Math)

IC693CPU360 CPU 360 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory, 4K I/O, 8 Racks),  no built-in Serial Ports .22msec/K,  The battery for the CPU is now i ncluded in the CPU backplane box.

IC693CPU360CA Series 90-30 CPU360 with Conformal Coated.

IC693CPU360LT CPU 360 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory, 4K I/O, 8 Racks),  no built-in Serial Ports .22msec/K   (LT)

IC693CPU360RR CPU 360 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory, 4K I/O, 8 racks),  no built-in Serial Ports

IC693CPU363 CPU 363 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory),  The battery for  the CPU is now included in the CPU backplane box.

IC693CPU363CA CPU363 conformal coated.  CPU supports 240K of memory, 2 serial ports and up to 4,096 I/O.

IC693CPU363LT CPU 363 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory)  (LT)

IC693CPU363RR CPU363 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory)

IC693CPU364RR CPU364 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory), Embedded Ethernet

IC693CPU366 CPU 366 Module (240K Bytes configurable Supports Profibus DP Master (Version 1 supported).  One Profibus port and one RS-232 service port.

IC693CPU367 CPU 367Module (240K Bytes configurable Supports Profibus DP Slave (Version 1 supported).  One Profibus port and one RS-232 service port.

IC693CPU370 CPU370 Plus  (240K Bytes configurable user memory).  Supports EZ Store (IC200ACC003).  Requires a high caPACity power supply and recommend high capacity battery.  Note:  The CPU37x CPUs may not work with Horner Electric modules due to the speed of th

IC693CPU372 CPU372 Plus Web EnabLED controller (120K Bytes configurable user memory),  embedded Ethernet 10/100Mbs with built-in switch.  Supports EZ Store (IC200ACC003).  Note:  The CPU37x CPUs may not work with Horner Electric modules due to the speed of the p

IC693CPU374 CPU 374 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory)  The battery for the CPU is now included in the CPU backplane box, Embedded Ethrnet 10/ 100Mbs w/built-in switch. No serial ports.  Note:  The CPU37x CPUs may not work with Horner Electric modules

IC693CPU374CA Conformal Coated.CPU 374 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory)  The battery for the CPU is now included in the CPU backplane box, Embedded Ethrnet 10/ 100Mbs w/built-in switch. No serial ports.

IC693DNM200 DeviceNet Master Module

IC693DNS201 DeviceNet Slave Module

IC693DSM302 DSM302 motion controller module

IC693DSM302RR Series 90-30 Motion Mate DSM302 Motion Controller, 2 Axes

IC693DSM314 DSM314 motion controller module

IC693DSM324 DSM324 motion controller module for Series 90-30

IC693LBR301 90-30 documentation Library (- manuals covering most options)

IC693LBR302 Comprehensive University Program Student Kit- Restricted Item - For sale only to approved University Program Members

IC693MAR590 Mixed I/O, 120Vac Input (8 points), Relay Output (8 points)

IC693MAR590LT Mixed I/O, 120Vac Input (8 points), Relay Output (8 points)  (LT)

IC693MAR590RR Mixed I/O, 120Vac Input (8 points), Relay Output (8 points)

IC693MCD001 Beta series servo demo case

IC693MCD001RR Demo Case, Beta Series Servo

IC693MCM001 Power Mate J Digital Servo Inte-ce module

IC693MDL230 120 Vac Isolated Input (8 Points)

IC693MDL230CA Conformal Coated Input module, 120VAC 8 point isolated.

IC693MDL230LT 120 Vac Isolated Input (8 Points)   (LT)

IC693MDL230RR 120 Vac Isolated Input (8 Points)

IC693MDL231 240 Vac Isolated Input (8 Points)

IC693MDL231LT 240 Vac Isolated Input (8 Points)   (LT)

IC693MDL231RR 240 Vac Isolated Input (8 Points)

IC693MDL240 120 Vac Input (16 Points)

IC693MDL240CA Conformal Coated Input module 120 VAC 16 points

IC693MDL240LT 120 Vac Input (16 Points)   (LT)

IC693MDL240RR 120 Vac Input (16 Points)

IC693MDL241 24 Vac/Vdc Input (16 Points)

IC693MDL241CA Conformal Coated Input 24 VAC 16 points.

IC693MDL241LT 24 Vac/Vdc Input (16 Points)   (LT)

IC693MDL241RR 24 Vac/Vdc Input (16 Points)

IC693MDL250 120 Vac Isolated Input (16 points).  Module requires a terminal block IC694TBBx32 or IC693TBSx32).

IC693MDL260 32 Point 120VAC Input Module.  Requires terminal block IC694TBxx32.

IC693MDL310RR 120 Vac Output, 05 Amp (12 Points)

IC693MDL330 120/240 Vac Output, 2 Amp (8 Points)

IC693MDL330LT 120/240 Vac Output, 2 Amp (8 Points)  (LT)

IC693MDL330RR 120/240 Vac Output, 2 Amp (8 Points)


发布时间:2021-11-21 08:52  点击:119

